Gold leaf on trick fountains, waterspout fountains and water fountains – durability and care
Gilded waterspout fountains, trick fountains and water fountains have become integral features in public spaces, castle courtyards or parks. Rain and water are not usually problematic for surfaces gilded with gold leaf. However, special attention has to be paid to waterspout fountains and trick fountains constantly in contact with waters of varying quality.
Detailed planning must be made of the areas to be gilded before each fountain is treated with gold leaf. The fountain, flow of water, water quality, algae growth and environment all heavily influence the gilding’s durability. The care and cleaning of surfaces covered with gold leaf should not be carried out with mechanical aids. Surfaces absolutely require regular cleaning with clean, chalk-free water to prevent heavy soiling.
Gold Mosaic as the easy-care alternative to gilding with gold leaf
Gold mosaics are recommended for fountain surfaces subject to extreme wear. Thanks to the glass protecting the gold surface, gold mosaic can be cleaned at any time with cleaning agents, steam jets and brushes.